Bio |
Intro: -I was in the half of the Career of Image and Sound, and worked as a cameraman and illuminator of a couple of cable
TV programs. Certain day, a friend of mine showed me a "Magic Eye" book with
stereograms (3d images hidden in a pattern that seems regular, and that is seen
by crossing or putting parallels the eyes.) I already knew that and that always seemed to me somehow strange and very interesting… what seemed to me rare
is that it could be seen, with this same technique of crossing the eyes, pairs of photographs. By superimposing a photo onto another (crossing the eyes) it s formed in the brain an image in 3d, that "sink" under
the paper! The sensation was that of being in the presence of certain "magic". How could anything be seen in 3d, with volume and roundness in a flat surface? From there, I began to seek information at the Internet on the stereoscopic photography stuff, and knowing that it
was simply a matter of placing two photos, one at the side of the other, simulating our two eyes. I began to analyze both images and to see that there was something different
in both of them. I noticed that some objects were displaced, some respecting the others, in relation to the
photos frames. There it was that I began to what would happen if I put the same
photo repeatedly and if I cut-off an object and moved it sideways in Photoshop. The
objects that were moved toward the left side went "loutside", and if they were moved to the right "they sank" into the monitor.
Then I began to trim all the objects of the photo and to move them. Thus my first and more primitive 2d to 3d conversion method arose… What approached me to 3d world was that did not have a regular job (besides event photos and videos, and some sporadic
works in cable TV) and that I saw that there was only a few people that made 2d to 3d conversions. Thus I was studying worksfrom others, until developing my own method. Then
I began to offer this service to all the 3d Companies I was able to, until I began to obtain clients abroad. Thus I began professionally to work in the 3d field. I made jobs for a
Viewmaster format Company, and publications with photos in 3d (converted to 3d) and for some other in USA, and Europe. Also I published an I article about 2d to 3d conversions in the magazine “British Journal of Photography”, and
I converted a special serie of paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci for an Exposition that took place in the Museum of the City
of Madrid, some years ago. After the 2d to 3d conversions, I began to develop a more complex method
for "lenticular 3d" imaging. The lenticular 3d is a format that is seen in plastic
sheets, with kind of "scratches" (the scratches are microscopic semi-cylindrical columns, that act as convergent lenses) and
the 3d effect is appreciated without 3d eyeglasses. They are used in a lot of
Movie Posters, in CD covers, etc. This system requires that the image is shot with 15, 30 or so, cameras, not with only two. Therefore, I had to convert the images generating 30 or 60 in-between cameras among the ussual 2 cameras used. The result, in an animation, is the following one: http://www.geocities.com/apeiron_3d/Home.html?1029441793861 or this another: http://www.geocities.com/apeiron_3d/Home.html?1029441793861 The result, once it s interlaced into the lenticular sheet, is that we can see the image in 3d, and if we move toward
the lateral directions, the image seems "to rotate", and always in 3d. After doing various jobs with this lenticular technique that I had developed, I did worked in consultancy for 3d video
shooting techniques, for a Company from Spain, and there was when I began to
be more interested in digital stereo photography. I built myself a stereo camera bar, and I began to work in my 3d photographic
project about Buenos Aires, in interactive CD-ROM format. I was almost 6 months taking pictures of Buenos Aires in my free time,
until after a lot of time and effort, I could publish the CD "Buenos Aires 3d", that is the first interactive 3d CD ROM made
in Flash, with 642 3d anaglyph photos, with esthetics of “fileteado Porteño” and Tango Music, totally interactive,
which is done in Latin America (may be in the world… at least I could not find another one) Images and screenshots can be seen at: http://buenos-aires-3d.tripod.com/ Resume: Personal Info: Sitios Web: Buenos Aires 3d: http://buenos-aires-3d.tripod.com/ 3d-apeiron: https://apeiron-3d.tripod.com/ 3d-apeiron (lenticular): http://www.geocities.com/apeiron_3d/Home.html?1029441793861 Analux 3d: http://analux.fw.hu/ Argentina-Photo: http://argentinaphoto.tripod.com/ Argentimagenes Editions: www.argentimagenes.com.ar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Education: Highschool: “Emaús” (De los Sagrados Corazones) College. University: -Until 3º year of the Career of “Licenciatura
en Ciencias Matemáticas” (University of Buenos Aires) - “Image and Sound Design” (Or Career of Cinemathography ).(University of Buenos Aires). Expertise Fields: - Digital manipulation for stereoscopic 2d to 3d conversión. - Digital Photography and Stereoscopic Photography. - Applied Stereoscopy. - Camera operation, lighting. Web Sites: Buenos Aires 3d: http://buenos-aires-3d.tripod.com/ argentina-photo : www.argentina-photo.com.ar (Under construction) 3d-apeiron: https://apeiron-3d.tripod.com/ 3d-apeiron (lenticular): http://www.geocities.com/apeiron_3d/Home.html?1029441793861 Analux 3d: http://analux.fw.hu/ Some jobs made: Years 2001 to 2007:
Promotional Campaigns with photographs and illustrations in 3d, for the “View-Master” format and “anaglyph”
format. Some of these Companies are: www.xyzyx.com, www.gengotti.it, www.studio3d.com , www.trizax.com , www.lightspeeddesign.com, between others. Years 2001-2002: Serie of more than 30 2d to 3d conversions of famous paintings, which are being sold in the following
web site: http://www.snap3d.com/famous.php/ Year 2003: Development of my own 2d to 3d conversión method for “3d lenticular” format. This format is made with a plastic sheet with microlens, which allow to see the images in three dimensions without
3d glasses. Some job s for USA and european Companies: www.jakepurches,com, www.in-3d.com, http://www.holoprint.com/ , between others. Years 1999 to 2002: I worked in several Air TV and cable TV programs, as a Camera operador and lighting Director. Programs: - “Bellas Artes” (Channel (a)) Producer: - “El Museo (Channel (a)) Producer: - “Bunker” (Channell 9) Producer: “Emprender SRL”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. - “El Arranque” (Channel9) Producer: “Emprender SRL”. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Publications y Expositions: Nov. 2001:
Radaction o fan article for the “British Journal of Photography”
about the stereoscopic 2d to 3d conversión of photographs and paintings.
(UK) Oct. 2003:
Serie of 3d conversions of photographs for an special article for the “Freeze”
Magazine (USA)” 2003:
2d to 3d Conversion of Leonardo Da Vinci paintings, for the exposition: “Leonardo y las Ciencias” made in the
City of Madrid Museum. Format: Polarizad projection in a 6m x 4m screen. Sep 2004: Participation in an educative
stereo movie for www.3dstereo.com.pl with 2d to 3d conversions of famous paintings. (Poland) Year 2004: Co- development, in collaboration with Dr. Imre Zsolnai-nagy (Hungary), of an optimized Image processing method for
“Color Anaglyph” method. The system is called “Analux 3d”, which is incorporated in two of the most famous freeware stereo softwares: “Anabuilder” (France) and “Stereo
Photo maker” (Japan). Since 2004, honorific member of the “Societa Stereoscopica Italiana” for unanimous votation. ( http://www.ssi-3d.it/ ) Years 2004-2005: Developement of a new optimizad version of “Analux 3d”, with own parameters and improved results. Development and conclusión of project: “Buenos Aires 3d: An interactive CD ROM with 642 stereoscopic pictures (3d), with Tango
music, and “Fileteado Porteño” aesthetic. See: Buenos Aires 3d: http://buenos-aires-3d.tripod.com/ July 2006:
Exhibition of stereo-photographs from “Buenos Aires 3d” CD ROM, at the “Stereo Theater” (Polarizad
projection in 3d) for the annual convention of the “National Stereoscopic Asociation, USA”. Miami. Web Site: http://www.stereoview.org/default.html April
and May 2007: Colaboration for an article about stereoscopy for the
Czech Republic Magazine: “Svet”, with several 3d photographs and 3d conversions. (April
and May Issues.) Oficial
Web Site: http://www.extra-publishing.cz/c/casopisy/ctenari.htm Year 2006 and 2007: -2d to 3d conversión serie for “Studio 3d Company” (http://www.studio3d.com/ ) - Development and edition of a 3d Postcards Serie about Buenos Aires. See: http://buenos-aires-3d.tripod.com/id23.html - -2d to 3d conversion for a 5000 promotional 3d campaign in anaglyph format, for Roche laboratories, Argentina. - 2d to 3d conversion for a 3d polarized movie for www.lightspeeddesign.com . Info in the Web: Propieatry Web Sites: Buenos Aires 3d: http://buenos-aires-3d.tripod.com/ Argentina-photo : www.argentina-photo.com.ar (Under construction) 3d-apeiron: https://apeiron-3d.tripod.com/ 3d-apeiron (lenticular) : http://www.geocities.com/apeiron_3d/Home.html?1029441793861 Analux 3d: http://analux.fw.hu/ Other references in the Web: Meites Arts: http://www.meites.com/exoops/modules/news/article.php?storyid=137 PHK: http://www.phk.es/galmarini Digart: http://digart.fateback.com/2da3d.htm “Societa Stereoscopica Italiana”:
http://www.ssi-3d.it/ |